

发布时间:2017-10-30文章来源: 浏览次数:













2018.12 苏州创腾科技有限公司,基于计算软件的抗体理性设计培训

2016.11-2017.5 Iowa State University, USA,访问学者

2014.5 教育部高等学校师资培训交流北京中心,学习

2004.9-2007.7 河北农业大学,动物科技学院,基础兽医学,硕士/研究生

2000.9-2004.7 河北农业大学,动物科技学院,动物医学,本科/学士


2013.5至今 在十大网赌网址信誉官网工作

2007.7-2013.4 在河北农业大学动物科技学院工作



1. Ge Wang, Wan Qiu Xia, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang,Jing Liu(通讯). Directional evolution of TetR protein and development of a fluoroimmunoassay for screening of tetracyclines in egg. Microchemical Journal. 2019, 150(三区,3.14)

2. Tong He, Geng Nan Wang, Ju Xiang Liu, Wei Li Zhao, Jing Jie Huang, Ming Xin Xu, Jian Ping Wang, Jing Liu(通讯)(2019). "Dummy molecularly imprinted polymer based microplate chemiluminescence sensor for one-step detection of Sudan dyes in egg."Food Chem288: 347-353.二区,TOP

3. Yi Cai, Xin He, Peng Lei Cui,Jing Liu, Zhao Bin Li, Bing Jie Jia, Teng Zhang,Jian Ping Wang *, Wan Zhe Yuan. Preparation of a chemiluminescence sensor for multi-detection of benzimidazoles in meat based on molecularly imprinted polymer. Food Chemistry. 2019, 280, 103-109. (二区,Top)

4. ZhaoBin Li,Jing Liu(并列第一), Ju Xiang Liu, Zhan Hui Wang, Jian Ping Wang. Determination of sulfonamides in meat with dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescencesensor. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry. In Press(SCI,IF 3.431,三区)

5. Ge Wang,HuiCai Zhang,Jing Liu(并列通讯),JianPingWang. A receptor-based chemiluminescence enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for determination of tetracyclines in milk.Analytical Biochemistry. 2019, 564-565:40-46 (SCI,IF 2.334,三区)

6. Teng Zhang,Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang. Preparation of a molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence sensor for the determination of amantadine and rimantadine in meat. Analytical methods. 2018, 10:5025-5031 (SCI,IF 1.9,三区)

7. 曹子健,何欣,王建平,张晓甜,王晓静,任腾飞,刘静(通讯).抗沙拉沙星ScFv同源模拟及分子结合机制.黑龙江畜牧兽医. 2018,541(01):47-51,250-251

8. Xin He, Chang Fei Duan, Yong Hua Qi, Jun Dong, Geng Nan Wang, Guo Xian Zhao, Jian Ping Wang,Jing Liu(通讯). Virtual mutation and directional evolution of anti-amoxicillin ScFv antibody for immunoassay of penicillins in milk. Analytical Biochemistry.2017, 517: 9-17(SCI,2.334,三区)

9. 李楠,刘静,高立杰,陈宝江.精细化管理考试过程的研究与探索.黑龙江畜牧兽医,2017(04上):271-273

10. Jing Liu, Hui C. Zhang, Chang F. Duan, Jun Dong, Guo X. Zhao, Jian P. Wang,Nan Li, Jin Z. Liu & Yu W. Li. Production of anti-amoxicillin ScFv antibody and simulation studying its molecular recognition mechanism for penicillins. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2016, 51(11):742-750. (SCI,1.3619,四区)

11. Jian Ping Wang, Jun Dong, Chang Fei Duan, Hui Cai Zhang, Xin He, Geng Nan Wang, Guo Xian Zhao,Jing Liu(通讯).Production and directional evoluation of antisarafloxacin scfv antibody for immunoassay of fluoroquinolones in milk. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2016, 64:7957−7965(SCI,3.1540,一区)

12. Shi FSLiu JZhang LLiu JXWang JP.Development of an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of phenothiazine drugs in meat and animal feeds. Journal of environmental science and health. Part B. Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 2016, 51(10): 715-721. (SCI,1.3619,四区)

13. 王旭丹,刘静,王庚南,张东旭,刘聚祥.高效液相色谱法检测鸡蛋中四环素类药物残留方法研究[J].中国畜牧兽医,2016,43(06):1579-1584.

14. Jing Liu, Bao L. Gao, Lei Zhang, Jian H. Qin, Jian P. Wang. Synthesis of novel hapten and production of the generic monoclonal antibody for phenothiazine drugs. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 2014,49:5,324-330(SCI,1.3619,四区)

15. Bao Long Gao,Jing Liu(并列第一), Li Xue Dong, Lei Zhang, Jian Hua Qin, Jian Ping Wang. Broad specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for determination of residual phenothiazine drugs in swine tissues. Analytical Biochemistry. 2014,454,7-13(SCI,2.334,三区)

16. Yan Z Liu, Guo X Zhao,Jing Liu. Synthesis of novel haptens against ciprofloxacin and production of generic monoclonal antibodies for immunoscreening of fluoroquinolones in meat. J Sci Food Agric. 2013,93:1370-1377(SCI)

17. Jing Liu,Huicai Zhang, Dongsheng Zhang, Feng Gao, Jianping Wang. Production of the monoclonal antibody against Sudan 2 for immunoassay of Sudandyes in egg. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012, 423(2), 246-252(SCI)

18. Sai Nan Jiao,Jing Liu, Yi Fen Zhang, Guo Xian Zhao, Jian Ping Wang. Preparation of a Bi-hapten Antigen and the Broad-specific Antibody for Simultaneous Immunoassay of Penicillins and Tetracyclines in Milk. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2012, 23(3), 273-287(SCI)

19. Jun Li,Jing Liu, Hui-Cai Zhang, Hui Li, Jian Ping Wang. Broad specificity indirect competitive immunoassay for determination of nitrofurans in animal feeds. Analytical Chemical ACTA. 2010, 678, 1-6(SCI)


1. 基于PAL-ABPP探针的四环素受体的制备及其分子识别机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31801645,2019-2021,主持,26万

2. 河北省现代农业产业技术体系蛋鸡肉鸡产业创新团队,蛋鸡肉鸡体系产品加工和品牌岗位,HBCT2018150210,2018-2022,参加,150万

3. 2018年,河北省大学生创新创业训练计划项目,基于耐药菌的四环素特异性受体的制备,201810086035,指导教师,8000

4. 《兽医药理学》双语教学项目:2017SY17;校级,第2

5. 兽药重组scFv抗体的分子识别机制及双特异性scFv抗体研究(项目编号:31271869,国家自然科学基金,2013年1月-2016年12月,负责单链抗体的构建等工作),本课题是在此项目基础上开展抗体体外成熟的研究,第五,72万

6. 兽药单链抗体的体外分子进化,项目编号:QN20131087,河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目,2013年-2015年,主持,2.5万

7. 兽药单链抗体微观构象匹配机制及定向进化,C2015204049,河北省自然科学基金,青年科学基金,2015-2017,主持,4万

8. 2016年,河北省大学生创新创业训练计划项目,沙拉沙星ScFv同源模拟及分子结合机制,201610086032,指导教师,0.3万

9. 河北省现代农业产业技术体系蛋鸡产业创新团队”(Supported by the Earmarked Fund for Hebei Lays Innovation Team of Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System),蛋鸡重大疫病防控、兽药安全技术研发与示范,HBCT2013090202,2013-2017,参加,150万

10. 2015年,农业院校畜牧兽医类专业校企合作模式的研究与探讨,冀科验字(2014450041)号,河北省软科学,第三

11. 2014年,兽药广谱特异性单链抗体研究,河北省自然科学基金项目,冀科金验字(2014验字114),第二

12. 抗附红细胞体药物两级筛选体系研究,项目编号:C2008000222,河北省自然科学基金,冀科金验字(2011验字072)号,第三。




1. 2019年,挑战杯河北省省赛,特等奖,何通,指导教师,第三,《基于CADD-MIP的五类危害因子化学发光检测法》(作者:黄婧洁、何通、许铭鑫、姜祖强、张欣颖,指导教师:王建平、张会彩、刘静、赵伟莉)

2. 2018年,河北省第三届创新创业年会,展示项目一等奖,指导教师,第一

3. 2017年,五类兽药残留控制关键技术开发与应用,河北省山区创业奖,二等奖,2017XM039,第三

4. 2017年,鸡重要传染病防控关键技术创新与应用,河北省科技进步奖,二等奖,2017JB2051-2,第二


1. 《动物性食品标准化生产与质量控制》,副主编,普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,化学工业出版社,2016年9月。

2. 《动物保健技术》,主编,阳光工程培训教材,中国农业出版社,2012年11月

3. 《畜禽疫病防疫技术》,参编,阳光工程丛书,河北科学技术出版社,2010年8月

